Wednesday, June 06, 2012

No one knows

He looked up from his book and craned his neck, his eyes hunting for her face. She wasn't there. 

He pushed his chair out and then swung on it a bit, trying to look beyond the end of the row he sat on. She wasn't there.

He stretched his hands out casually, and humming and hawwing gently stood up. He strolled to the end of the room and looked out of the door to the lobby. She wasn't there.

"Seen Divya Madam anywhere?" he asked of the guard. 

"Madam left some time ago. She signed out also" the guard quipped back, hiding a smile.

These people, they thought no one knew. But he knew. He knew everything that happened here. 

He caught the swallowed smile. He knew, he knew that the guard knew, but that did not matter. He was no one.

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