Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weighing the scales

So eitherway you get screwed..

Either its a lifetime of regret that you dint follow through.. or its a lifetime of torture that you did follow through..

What's better, regret that eats at you all life leaves you discontent or torture that eats at you all life and leaves you unbalanced?


Anonymous said...
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Satish K Mantha said...

if you feel like doing a thing now, do it. regretting later means insulting yourself. remember, it was you who made a decision. if you don't believe in it, no one else will. accept your mistakes and never repeat. but, never regret too.

~The Dream Catcher~ said...

Anonymous - Lets see you say something now..

Pinki - It's not my decision I am talking about here.. Its a decision that could be someone else's to take, and bear for their whole lives..

Satish K Mantha said...

well, my comment is directed to that someone then.. :-) no changes!