I wish I could smile,
I wish I could study
wish I could concentrate
just for a while ..
I wish I could smile
I wish I could laugh
wish I had the courage
just for a while...
I wish I could smile
wish I could live
wish I could hold on
just for a while.... "
Hello. Are you in this picture? http://www.thevoiceinmyhead.com/wp-content/uploads/bloggers_soulfry.jpg
no.. you were searching for me in it?? they took the pic after they shooed me off..
And, there are just four girls in tht pic, and I assume you know all of them, dont you?
I can associate a name with 3 of the faces in that pic. I do not know the lady in glasses. I have never met any of them though.
Pssst...I wasn't searching for you, per se. :P But yeah, I like to tag a face to a name. Always.
Lady in glasses?? There ain't no lady in glasses in that pic. There are three men like that though..
And I thought you'd know all the women in there, obviously not personaly but by name. You'll meet them soon, right?
Lady in glasses -> 2nd from right, the girl in drab orange. I am assumin' she's got a blog too. I can't associate her blog to her face. She's not nRambles, is she?
[Orange lady is wearing glasses in other pics on your Flickr album.]
nRambles is anonymous.
Lady in question was some non-blogger. There were quite a few in the meet. So no blog to attach to that face..
You've matched the faces of the men with their blogs??
I read very few blogs; iSmith's happens to be one of 'em. I skim through Sakshi's and Melody's page, once in a blue moon. Other than that, I doubt if I know anybody's blog, let alone the face! Hmmm...Wait a minute, mebbe Amit Verma of India UnCut. (Don't read it tho)
IS has a huge fan base (don't tell her I said that, she'll get pissed), ditto for Sakshi, Melody and Amit Verma.. I thought Selma was one of them too.. I guess I just think too much.. been assuming a lot.. a part and parcel of the things that came from the manufacturing factory.. ;)
A huge fan base, I am sure she does. I wonder why would she get pissed. She loves people! The more in her fan base, the more flattered she gets!
That was me, who made the above comment!
Going a lil amiss from the conv above -
The lines were short n sweet :)
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