Thursday, February 08, 2007

Am I gonna join a Cult soon??

A wise man today told me :
"A woman is just a distortion of muscles..."

Lol.. I just cant stop laughing over this, because it is so true. It is equality at the very grass-root level and it is Discrimination at the same time too. Well actually I believe that was not the meaning of this pearl of wisdom dropped by the wise man. But somewhere this strikes true to me.

He also said :
"If you can objectify women to be equal to everything else around you, you will be free of desire and cravings. "

This wise man is someone to watch out for. I dont believe in religion and following a guru to the path of God or anything, but if such pearls of wisdom keep coming my way, I might be tempted to go to the sea bed, where the oysters creating the pearls are being manufactured.

Oh, to part with, here is another of his quotes,
"To not want anything at all is true satisfaction"

(I'm still not very convinced on this one. I want something, I get it, and thus I get satisfaction)


Anonymous said...

Hey yeah even I cant stop laughing at the first one. Second one makes sense have additionally heard that, thats what makes the world go on ;-). The quotes do make a lot of sense. Good if you find the wise man.

AlterinG Abhishek said...


whose this wise man!!??
nice blog, blogging after a longtime after the blog meet!!
and this lost chance pic is too amazing !
Did you click it??

~The Dream Catcher~ said...

J- lol.. everyone is giving me these reactions!! I am gonna go look up this wise man a little more..

Abhishek- wise man is really some erudite scholar.. have heard a lot about him, will now go look him up.. maybe he has the answers to the divine questions of the world.. and yes the lost chance pic has been clicked by me, most pics on this blog are.. maybe I should put a clicked by pragni mark at the corner, wht do you say?? hehe.. and yea.. thanks for stopping by!!
PS. Its just been a week after the meet hasn't it?? or is my mind so messed up with assignments and applications that I dint even realize that more time has passed by??

creative genius said...

Well for the first one. i truly do not get the meaning of it..

About the second one i feel its not absolute true.. if what he is trying do is to equate women to everything else and they are a cause of desire and carving.
Also why would u want be free of desire...

The last one would make more sense for me if it would be ...
Knowing what it is and then not wanting it at all is true satisfaction...
As it seems that last one is on the same lines as
"Ignorance is bliss"

2 back to back post on Philosophically speculation . hmmm

Aniruddha said...

The first one is just completely despicable ... I cant even laugh at it .. so just leaving it as is ..

The second one tries to pose as if Women are the only desire / craving around you .. thats so not true .. You can and you do desire / crave for so mnay different things in this world (including women) .. so I do not agree with that one either ...

Satisfaction is something you get when you get what you want as you said & I agree with that... so if you dont want anything, how can you get true satisfaction ... thats just complete loser attitude ! :)

who is this wise man ? would love to have a debate with him ;)

Aniruddha said...

btw, one of the labels for the post is 'anakyze this' .. is that just a typo ? or u mean something by it ? I even looked it up ... :)

Anonymous said...

'ignorance is bliss. but we humans are sadistic suckers who crave knowledge..' neone heard this one?

SwB said...

no the last one is very true i think.

~The Dream Catcher~ said...


the bloody blog deleted my own comment twice..

Creative G-I was in my speculative frame of mind then..

Ani- apparently, this has been stated in the Vedas.. from a man's perspective.. be rest assured I bitterly disagree with it too!! but i can just laugh at the man's pitifulness(if that's a word)
Dont worry i'll debate all I can hen I pin down the man..

And "Anakyze This" has a purpose.. try figuring it out..

'nonnymous sir- I fully agree..

SwB- Pray How?? If you dont want then you wont even go for anything ..Thanks for stopping by..

Aniruddha said...

Did you want us to 'analyze' the word 'anakyze' and realize that its 'analyze' ?

~The Dream Catcher~ said...

ani- Bingo!! its too silly actually isn't it??

Aniruddha said...

hate to say it - but it is :) ...

~The Dream Catcher~ said...

ok.. here is the secret.. I dint realize it had become anakyze.. n thn whn i did realize it.. it was too late.. it was already up there.. i know i can still change it.. but I thought wht the heck.. in a way.. it ll make someone stop and think.. n there.. it did tht!! then i became pretty comfortable with it being anakyze.. I am a sucker for something different.. so it stays on..

Aniruddha said...

LOL .. so my first guess was right ! ;)