Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Down an embittered memory lane

Times change things so fast..

I started my application process today. My first Reco is packed and done. Sealed, signed and just waiting to be delivered now. Hopefully next reco will be done by thursday and another tomorrow. Transcripts application will be done on thursday too. They will be completed next thursday.

My first finished Reco is the most unexpected one. It was written by the HOD of BMM. I remember her as a dragon lady. She was this new inductee in our department in our second year, and she hardly knew us. Being the recluse that I was in college, she just knew me by name and face because BMM has only 55 students in each year. No one knew me and I dint let anyone know me. I dint participate in any college activites (yea, it IS true) and I genuinely dint care so I was pretty happy with the status quo. I was known to a few select professors who I thought had enough sense, rest I kept away from. To sum the story up, my legacy was obviously not passed on. Hence when I seeked leave to go US, she put as many impedements as she could.
After that, when I was caught in an imbroglio, she tried her best to not rescue me out but to implicate me further to make an example out of me. Although my profs stood up for me and got me the off with the least they could manage, she saw to it that even that least was heavy enought for me.

Well, she made a few noises but after running around for more than two hours, I got the work done. To my satisfaction. After the work was done, I looked around. I was back in the place I had spent three years in. Three years wanting out. I looked aorund and felt no nostalgia. No emotions choking me. I was glad. I had never been attached to my college, and it had remained that way even after I left the college. I noticed the smallest of changes dispassionately.

There was a cooler instead of the tap we filled water from coz we were too lazy to go to the main cooler on the other side of the corridor. The first year, Second Year and Third Year rooms had new curtains. There was a colorful mike box in the Third Year room. The window of the office cabin had been done up in some intricate hand painted design. The co-ordinator had changed. The LCR had a speaker with "Jalwa" playing through.

But somethings were still the same.

The students were all dolled up. I still looked down on the BA/BCOM/BSC students. They still leered at every BMM girl. And they still ooohed over most BMM guys. Cellphones were still used stealthily. Frankie was still popular in the college canteen. Most Basketball players were still BMM guys and girls. Pramod still flashed his hundred watt smile and helped me with everything. Some Junior still found respite from her situation by bitching about another student to Pramod and calling the other student all kinds of names. Pramod stilled rightfully examined my phone and asked me, "Naya model hai kya market mein??"

I left college knowing that I would be back this thursday and Saturday. But I think this was the only time I left College with a truly happy heart.

I got a lot of pics too.. in sepia tones.. of empy class rooms.. I was absolutely delighted with them.. will post them soon.


Anonymous said...

Urz n mine experience pretty much is the same abt the college. Remm we went to my coll together. Well tat was the last time i had visited. I didnt hav any emotional attachment either.
Wonder u got the pics of class rooms.

Anonymous said...

Why? I know this may sound cliched but your college years are really the best time you'll ever have in your life. If you aren't enjoying them...do something and do it quick! Change your college, switch courses, get a makeover, find a boyfriend, lose your old habits....turn your life around, its worth it!

~The Dream Catcher~ said...

J- Yeah I rememeber that place, it was in some godforsaken village with galiyas leading to it, and it was atleast an hour and a half away from Mumbai. Also you had huge machines inside your college and a hugee green lawn. Hmm I remember it all.

Ideasmith- Yeah?? I dunno why people say that. I have never had that kind of an experience with any college of mine. Maybe I am going to US to study to turn my life around. I dunno if it will work though..

Anonymous said...

Well, I didn't think my degree college experience was good, when I was going through it. But in the last year, it just struck me how much I'd evolved, how attached I had gotten to the place. Six years later, I still get nostalgic when I pass that place. Then again, perhaps your attachments will be elsewhere.

~The Dream Catcher~ said...

Ideasmith- .. maybe.. :)and all I can say for you is, Lucky you..