Saturday, August 05, 2006

A doggy encounter

A dog enterd my house today. I kid you not, but a huge stray dog entered my house today and then proceeded to roam around the hall and the kitchen under my shocked gaze and my dad's stricken gestures.

What's so shocking about this you say?? Well, whats shocking is that I live on the fifth floor of a building and I had just entered through the maindoor a minute before the dog waltzed in. Me and my dad were in the kitchen which makes it a obvious fact that my mom was not home. And I ws facing the kitchen door thru which I saw the dog roaming around the living room. In utter astonishment I exclaimed, "Dad look!!!". Looking at my horror striken face (in case you haven't guessed by now, I HATE DOGS!!), Dad assumed it was a thief or something of that sort, and turned around to come face-to-face, uhh..make that face-to-knees with this huge dirty straw colored mongrel which calmly trotted into the kitchen. He was stunned.

He first went the way opposite me and Dad, by now dad had recovered from his frozen shock state, and was gesticulating frantically. So the dog trooted towards dad and me. I started yelling in what i assumed must be my version of dog language and the combination of both, thankfully pushed the dog out of the kitchen and the main door.

And he went trotting back down the staircase into darkness....


Anonymous said...

Hehehe. Dogs. u remm all the dog stories tat i told u. ur situation reminds me of mine.......good the dog ran away. hope there hasnt been any damage.

~The Dream Catcher~ said...

the damage is tht last night i dreamt tht 5 dogs entered my house!! (shudders) plus i was gofted a dog by some door ka rishteydaar of mine.. but tht was a pretty thing.. as usual this has become the butt of all jokes in my family now..

Anonymous said...

Aha. Now thats some pretty serious damage. :-).

Aniruddha said...

Oh... I loveeee dogs ! I think they are very very honest, loyal and cute friends that one can have for life ! I am gonna have one once I have my own house !

But anyway, I can understand your horror state when that dog walked in ! lol !

~The Dream Catcher~ said...

i love cats.. n i like dogs as long as they dont bark too much, run after me, bite me or if they dont have insects and fleas around me. I think cats are very hygenic and proud creatures. Arrogant really.. n i cant help but admire well-placed arrogance..

Anonymous said...

helo gal..
surprising tht d dog managed to reach d 5th floor..i can imagine ur state,wen this happened..u used to get paranoid even wen sum dog used to reach close to u in d school campus..maybe i will actually gift u a dog on ur bday like ur

Anonymous said...

Now even dogs follow u. a certain dog tht stared at u a lot misses u bad. he told me, honestly...

~The Dream Catcher~ said...

anu-the dog i dreamt of had caramel eyes, shaggy longg white nd brown hair, big nose and was very very warm. U can start looking for my gift now!!

'nonnymus-i hate him. believe it and ask him to believe it too. Just coz i dint lift my shoe n hit him does not mean tht i like him. and anyway he is a typical male.. staring all the time.. n then either salivating or growling and barking and interrupting other important things!!